Ganesh Dasari, whose daughter and son participated multiple times in the Scripps spelling bee contest, is a civil engineer from the University of Cambridge who came to the United States to work for ExxonMobil on an H-1B visa. He quickly obtained a Green Card.
Right now, there are many job opportunities in the United States. If you don’t live in this country and want to immigrate, contact USA Visa Consultant.
“My wife and I came from a similar background. We both benefited from education… so we placed a lot of emphasis on educating our children,” Dasari said. “We basically introduced them to anything academic and a couple of sports, but there was clearly a bias in our thinking that education is more important than sports.”
Even among Indian American families, a specific subgroup is overrepresented: families from the southern states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, where Telugu is the primary language. Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana, is the epicenter of information technology in India, and the region supplies many beneficiaries of H-1B visas.
"Whenever we go to spelling bees, everyone speaks that language. We realized that there are a lot of people from the same state"
Ganesh Dasari
Deval Shah, the father of last year’s champion, Dev Shah, grew up in the northwestern state of Gujarat and proudly noted that Dev was the first champion of Gujarati descent. The parents of the 2022 winner, Harini Logan, are from Chennai, in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Shah is an engineer, his wife is a doctor, and Harini’s parents are computer engineers.
Ishika, a 13-year-old girl from Spring, Texas, who will compete in Scripps for the third time this year, woke her parents up at 6 a.m. the day after losing her third-grade spelling bee, saying she wanted to participate in more contests. Her mother, a computer director who immigrated to the United States in 2006, sought advice from other families in the Houston area whose children had a high level of spelling.
There are many job opportunities for immigrants in the United States. If you reach out to USA Visa Consultant, they will review your application and suggest which visa is most appropriate for your profile.
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